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Wallaby Jack, SASS #44062

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Everything posted by Wallaby Jack, SASS #44062

  1. ....... by the way, this picture is not of Taree; it is mostly of the seaward end of the Manning River delta ..... the southern exit. The northern exit can be seen in the distance and the community there is Harrington. Taree is further inland (to the west) where the delta starts and is "on" the river. A 'rural' town. In days before trains and road networks, the only real transtort to Sydney (or anywhere else) was by "Coasters" which sailed up and down the coast and used the river systems to service the communities with their trade needs, both in and out. The coasters used the Northern exit as it was much more navigable than the one pictured. Dairy products and timber were the main "exports", along with passengers.
  2. .......there's a down side to everything ........
  3. .... and a little Vegemite ........ and possibly a slice of pineapple or two .........
  4. that duck looks like it wants to kill you. .... are you sure it's not from Australia ?
  5. ...... ya knoe, .......... this time it's just you .............. oh, and there probably is a shark swimming at you ........
  6. truth be told, .... I live about 20 miles north (by road) of Taree. (almost on the upper horizon of this picture
  7. ...... either you've been here, ........ or you haven't ..........
  8. ...... yeah, ..... that's what you tell us ...... now ......
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