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SASS Wire Forum

Wallaby Jack, SASS #44062

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Everything posted by Wallaby Jack, SASS #44062

  1. ........ great, but did the cardiologist find anything to work with ....... 😉
  2. ..... I'm more of a "wasn't really" ...... 🙃
  3. Would you be kind enough to pass my regards and seasonal greetings to Jeff and Jimmy. I still listen, but usually the podcasts. The broadcast is Monday from noon (my time) and I can't always hear it. Thank You wbj 🙃
  4. ..... for them California roads, ...... right? 🙃
  5. ...... perhaps they should've had television sets. 🙃
  6. ....... you don't want to get caught up in export taxes and such ........ 😉 ......... but yeah, .... him too ...... 🙃
  7. .......... no further explanation shall be given ....... 🙃
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