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Wallaby Jack, SASS #44062

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Everything posted by Wallaby Jack, SASS #44062

  1. thank you .... .......that is, actually, quite useful .......
  2. ... er ........ pitcher ?
  3. YES PLEASE ..... and quickly too
  4. .......... someone is being over-generous with the social skills ability ...........
  5. HEY!!!! .............. I resemble that remark ! .........
  6. .......... that peach crate needs a doily on it ...........
  7. ...... bu11$4!7 !!!!!!! ......
  8. .... is this a meme ? ....
  9. ..... I have seen him around ........ and try (unsuccessfully) to avoid him at every turn ......
  10. .... which might negate the need for the traffic lights .......
  11. probably one of the best yet ........
  12. .................... thanks for helping work out that i seem to have the same problem .......
  13. thank you that is what came to mind .... but i did not reckernise the wi devices and dismissed it
  14. be careful with alphabet soup too ..........
  15. I thought AOC had darker hair .......
  16. ......... is she 16 ??? ................................ doesn't act any older than 3 ...
  17. WE HAVE A WINNER !!!!!!
  18. .......... do we got guns ????
  19. c'mon fellas, .... give Pat a break. .......... he just seems to have developed a nervous stutter.
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