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Wallaby Jack, SASS #44062

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Everything posted by Wallaby Jack, SASS #44062

  1. ....... please categorize this as STOLEN ........
  2. .... heck of a fingerdrawer ......
  3. .... heck of a fingerdrawer ......
  4. ^^^^^^^ .... better looking than Freddie ...... imho
  5. ^^^^^^^^^^^^ ........... you're right, .... there are NO words ........ ......... it does, however, speak volumes .......
  6. ....... "grease bearing" indicator ......
  7. ........... doesn't look like my ex-wife ..... she didn't wear glasses ...
  8. I resemble that ......
  9. ^^^^ ...... that orta work good
  10. .... unless that "prop" was made in Germany, he's gonna void his warranty ....
  11. ...... just on a whim; ... cain't it be both, depending on how offended it gets about anydarnthing ?
  12. ....... nor feed it after midnight .....
  13. ........ I was gonna say "levitation", .... but yours is gonna happen first ....
  14. ........ kinda reminds me of this'n .......
  15. ........ prison as in a penal colony
  16. ...... the number 9 ... ?
  17. OMG !!! she's almost as "everywhere" as Bernie ......
  18. ^^^^^^^^^ ... nasty little child ....
  19. ....... only if I squint reeeeeeeeeally hard ......
  20. .................. actually the Wookie was easier to understand , had more personality and a more amenable temperament than my ex....
  21. had a Ford Falcon once ...... that's my ex on the far left
  22. Cowboys and Aliens
  23. ..... what is the dimension across the back of that three legged "u" bolt ?
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