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Wallaby Jack, SASS #44062

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Everything posted by Wallaby Jack, SASS #44062

  1. ...................... yep, ... we do that ......
  2. ...... yep, ..... that's about the size of it ...... so I'm told, .... I was born'd in '57 ....
  3. ......... almost a pizza, ....... I suggest add some slices of tomato
  4. ..... I don't believe this ^^^ has ever happened ........
  5. ............ I see that you're getting ready for the gay mardi gras in Sydney next month ......
  6. ...... you also have a 3 in 4 chance of picking a slower line ........
  7. .... that'd be like having a shattered windscreen, ...... you can never get it all out and are still finding little bits 10 years later ......
  8. ....... my guess is that the one who wrote in the picture is a product of our illustrious edjumacashun system .......
  9. .... although they did, indeed, grow older their facial expressions didn't appear to have changed much ......
  10. ..... yes, ........ BUT ..... we don't wear sox, and our bathrooms actually contain a bathtub, or at least a shower stall and some times not a toilet, which most likey would be in it's own little room so that one could "go" whilst someone else could brush their teeth.
  11. Once upon a time Dairy Farmers were threatening to with-hold milk supplies ............ ...... a housewife being interviewed on tv stated that she wasn't worried and would just use powdered milk until the grievance was resolved and supplies were back to normal ....... ........ yes, we have them here too ....
  12. One of our local Auto Spares businesses carried this product and they also carried a motor oil for old and tired vehicles, it was 10W60 oil and they claimed that it helped "fill the gaps" in the old worn motors, ........... .......... it was called "Shitbox Oil", ... it came in a black plastic 5 litre container and had a plain black and white label with just enough information to pass standards. One day they had a promotion on both products and both were proudly on display at the sales counter. A woman came into the shop and became rather indignant at the display and very vocally expressed her displeasure to all and sundry; UNTIL her own husband made the statement "If you were half the Lady you think you are, you wouldn't even know what these words mean", ...... shut her right up ......... Tho I suspect he was sleeping on the couch for a while and got "hot tongue and cold shoulder for dinner for the next week or two ......
  13. The newspaper should have had a proof reader ...... if they did, he probably went to school with Bob
  14. .... important note: Shazza (Sharon) teaches English at the local Private High School ........
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