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Wallaby Jack, SASS #44062

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Everything posted by Wallaby Jack, SASS #44062

  1. .... that dog does not seem to be very impressed ........
  2. ..... do you mean that's NOT Bert from Sesame Street ?
  3. ........ there is also the "Imperial StormTrooper Theory", but they totally miss the point ..........
  4. ...... ya knoe, ..... I think she enjoyed that .......
  5. ...... well, .... not much, anyway ............
  6. " .... caught me a corona virus an' I'm gonna take it home"..........
  7. I always thought they spelled it with a bit missing form the "o" .........
  8. have a looksee if you left it in the fridge .........
  9. Ssssssshhhhh! ..... please don't say that out loud .........
  10. .......... not that different to "gangbangers" shooting Glocks sideways 'cause that's the way they come in the box ......
  11. ........ I believe that you know not of what you speak .....
  12. I boarded for a while with a couple and one of them there Olde English Sheep Dogs; one day I watched him wander down the driveway ... into the middle of the number plate, ... in the middle of my HQ Holden panel van. I gave him a manbun like the picture above and he could now see ... the cat, and the chase was on. I got into trouble ........
  13. ...................... yep, ... we do that ......
  14. ...... yep, ..... that's about the size of it ...... so I'm told, .... I was born'd in '57 ....
  15. ......... almost a pizza, ....... I suggest add some slices of tomato
  16. ..... I don't believe this ^^^ has ever happened ........
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