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Wallaby Jack, SASS #44062

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Everything posted by Wallaby Jack, SASS #44062

  1. ....... so, ... who invited that "weird brother-in-law's" family and friends ???
  2. ........ and his "Oh Brother !!" sister who is so unimpressed ..... BUT, not for me, .... have you seen how big those "cute little pets" can grow ?
  3. ...... it's a great way to get "not invited back" to many an unpleasant annual family gathering .......
  4. ........ wasn't me, ....... I brought Fosters ......
  5. .......... and most of them can vote .......
  6. ...... which Coles had those ?
  7. ....... Oh Dear!!!, ...... there's no paper ......
  8. ...... second time you've posted this one this week ....... but who's keeping score ?
  9. .... there is at least one on a shelf at my local Bunnings Hardware, .... do you want me to reserve it for you ?
  10. ............. there's gotta be a joke in there ..... somewhere .......
  11. ........ and them's YUMMMMMMMMY
  12. let's see/hear some of them .... they might actually be funny ..........., funnier than actuality ........
  13. ..... ahhh yes, .... the "I survived Australia" patch .....
  15. ...... izzat Keith Richards ???
  16. OK, I can wear sunglasses I can take up smoking I can play with guns .... but going braless just ain't gonna work for me .........
  17. well, in that case .....
  18. ....... they didn't come much wurst than that .....
  19. .... nope, no worries at all .......... it's not my boat .....
  20. ..... and there'd be potholes ......
  21. ........ and it's BAD!!!!!!!!
  22. ....... if you could pan down further you'll probably find sandals over those socks ........
  23. ...... you still gots it wrong ........ ....... humour has two(2) "u"s in it ........
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