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Rye Miles #13621

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Everything posted by Rye Miles #13621

  1. She and the Prez have back tracked on the red flag laws. As far as the bump stock ban the Prez was following the NRA and BTW there is no ban! https://apnews.com/article/supreme-court-guns-bump-stocks-b3bd1b4163d78514a6d5acc5b44c8b3d https://bearingarms.com/camedwards/2019/10/25/sources-trump-no-longer-backing-red-flag-law-background-check-changes-n35729#google_vignette
  2. Actually this bill takes away any control the govt has over AR15’s and the like.
  3. Congress has to pass it not the feds! Since republicans have control of all 3 branches there’s a good chance this will pass! You if it does the prez will sign it.
  4. YouTube has nothing to do with TikTok!
  5. 20 now going up to 26 today, Monday 14 high, Tuesday 9 high wed 15 high Thursday back up to 26!!!! 🥶🥶🥶🥶
  6. Generally anti gun presidents increase gun sales and prices skyrocket. This new administration will probably slow the sales down and therefore maybe lower the prices some. Just MHO 😉
  7. Has there been a discussion on this movie? I just saw most of it tonight. Not bad. https://www.cowboysindians.com/2024/04/preview-far-haven-on-the-cowboy-way-channel/
  8. Nice! Good deal too.👍
  9. That’s a beauty!!!
  10. True but I don’t carry my 19 in a holster. I don’t even have one for it.
  11. 4.2 doesn’t bother me at all. Maybe with a new PM coming to Canada the gun restrictions will end.
  12. Right? They’ll complain that the prices are too high!🙄
  13. This is a 4" I bought 2 years ago NIB, no porting but just blued not polished blue. It's my favorite revolver.
  14. He’s the only .200 hitter in the Hall of Fame which he kidded about all the time,😂😂
  15. They saved the first booster anyway https://abcnews.go.com/US/spacex-loses-starship-space-catches-booster-launch-tower/story?id=117767604
  17. Nice collection! I’m a big Smith fan myself. I’m looking at buying a 686 from a friend. It’s an older one with no lock. We’ll see……..
  18. The Prime Minister of Greenland was interviewed on Fox tonight and he said there’s no way they’ll join the USA. They want to be a free state. He said they’ll always be part of NATO and strong ally of the USA. We have a military base there. There’s only 56,800 people there.
  19. The lock never bothered me although I can’t say I liked it and also never used it. I have a Model 19, a model 10 and a 637 with the lock. My 15 and 37 doesn’t.
  20. Nice!! Good luck!! 👍🏻
  21. A lot of S&W lovers hated the lock on the revolvers for the last 20 yrs! Well it’s gone!!! https://www.shootingnewsweekly.com/gun-news/hallelujah-smith-wesson-now-making-three-classic-no-lock-revolvers/
  22. Thanks for the laughs and entertainment. RIP 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 https://www.mlb.com/news/bob-uecker-dies
  23. I use Federals or Remingtons for my rifles. My Colts fire anything and they’re lightened up but I’ve never had a problem, well maybe one in a thousand if that! I’ll let ya’ll know when I try these primers out.🤠
  24. That’s okay, I wasn't even aware of the Bren Ten, never heard of it😂😂😂😂
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