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Rye Miles #13621

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Everything posted by Rye Miles #13621

  1. In honor of David Sanborn who passed away yesterday at 78, great sax player! (Excuse the annoying ads) https://music.youtube.com/watch?v=BOzVMviRw5s&list=PLn7zWXDH8Vf5QhkF-a97aiuKX9kLcMN6A
  2. One of the first songs we played in the first band I was in at 16. My gosh I hate that song! That and Wipe Out too
  3. This was going through my head when I woke up!
  4. 80 million that they know of ???
  5. I might have posted this before but I heard it on the radio yesterday! It’s in my head this morning!!!
  6. Yes my friends dad had one, I loved it!
  7. I’ve got this album Nighfly, haven’t played it in a long time. This tune jumped out at me. Donald Fagen’s solo album
  8. Bat Lash ( comic book character) Kid Rodelo ( Louis LaMour book)
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