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Rye Miles #13621

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Everything posted by Rye Miles #13621

  1. My grandfather left Italy to come herein 1912. My grandma and dad (he was one year old) and a aunt of mine who was 4 yrs old were left behind so Grandpa could make some money and send it back to Italy to finance Grandma's trip here. It took him 4-5 years to save up enough money, he worked construction and the money wasn't so great. He sent the money and my grandma spent the money and didn't come. My grandpa was furious! He wrote her and told her he would send money one more time when he saved enough and if she spent it again he would..GASP....DIVORCE HER! That was unheard of in an Italian/Catholic family. It took him another 4-5 years and this time she came with my dad who was around 10 yrs old. My aunt died in Italy. Divorce was a big deal back then and the stigma of being a divorcee was horrible especially for the woman. Yes times have really changed!
  2. Okay it’s a BB gun buts it’s a wheel gun and it’s lots of fun!
  3. Most authors are a little confused! They never get the guns right either in books or articles!
  4. Always referred to the grades as 1st grade , 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, etc etc.................
  5. The 1886 was the 92 on steroids! https://duckduckgo.com/?t=h_&q=1886+rifle&ia=web
  6. Sorry I read that wrong! It’s early not enough coffee yet🙄
  7. Can you shoot Josey Wales with just pistols? We have a few guys with shoulder problems that do that.
  8. Prices are up and I doubt they’ll ever come down. Primers $70-$100 for 1000, powder $50 and up, loaded ammunition is out of control. I bought two boxes of Hornady cowboy.45 Colt for $25 for 20 rounds. I’ve seen cowboy .45’s for $70 for 50!!! Unbelievable!!
  9. I’ve got a little job tomorrow morning. Piano tuning👍🏻
  10. I don’t think this sport will get many young people. I think it continues to draw a little older crowd maybe 40 and above. This is the crowd of people (shooters) that have the money and were still exposed to westerns somewhat. The only real young ones will be drawn in by their parents and grandparents otherwise they’ll just keep playing video games!🙄
  11. I still enjoy the shooting and the folks. It’s just the long rides and the weather. I only go now when it’s not too hot or cold or rainy. I still love shooting my guns. I have two 3 day shoots coming up in September. I only go two days for the main match, no more side matches.
  12. More good vibes , Lionel Hampton https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=R_rTICMVXQQ
  13. I remember the second version you described, I don’t know what we called it though! Fun stuff before cellphones 😂
  14. As was said it’s a category that requires a full BP load 40grs or more, I agree it’s misnamed but it is what it is and has been for quite a few years.
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