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Rye Miles #13621

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Everything posted by Rye Miles #13621

  1. I wonder where "Rye" is on the list ??
  2. I have two guns . "One for each of ya" I thought I was posting on the PAIR that Dawg has on another post
  3. Condolences and prayers to all the victims and families of that tragic day
  4. Nice pair of hoglegs !!!!
  5. A friend of mine "Little Bob" was his alias. This was back in 1996, he was so stoked up about this cowboy shoot he found he got me excited. I had a Ruger Blackhawk, bought myself a Win 94 and a Stoeger sg and went with another pard of mine. (Only used one pistol back then) Got hooked! Little Bob no longer shoots, he quit because of his retail job Saturdays are a big day for him. (car sales) I'm still chugging along and I will until I just can't anymore!!
  6. http://thehill.com/blogs/pundits-blog/media/308464-gun-control-film-miss-sloane-another-reminder-of-hollywoods-smugness
  7. Any Orville's popcorn! I prefer popping in a pan with oil but that darn microwave stuff is soooo easy!!! No muss no fuss!
  8. Donald, Baron, Melania, Ivanka…………...
  9. How about NCOWS??? Never heard of one of these 'round these parts either, there was one in Indiana a while back!
  10. Never heard of one 'round here!! Never heard of one in all of Ohio. We have plenty of CAS shoots though, depending on how far you want to drive you can shoot every weekend twice!!! OHIO, the wild wild midwest!!
  11. Yep me too!! I have a pair of 4 3/4"Colts in .44-40 (.44 special cylinder in one of them) and I also have a oddball pair, one 5 1/2" Colt along with a 5 1/2" Smoke Wagon!
  12. Firelands Peacemakers shoot at Rochester Gun Club. They provide lunch for our monthly shoots. Some people don't like to break after 3 stages for lunch but the volunteers from the Gun Club would like to get home before too long so that's why we break. We try and keep them happy becuae we are shooting on THEIR property. They make a little money on the lunches which is well needed.
  13. I have a shotgun belt that takes 10 doubles and 4 singles plus 8 pistol loops. I believe it's a Evil Roy shotgun belt. I've never been told this was illegal!
  14. +1 Been using the flipper tray for years!
  15. I only load one caliber, (.44-40) one load for cowboy shooting so I don't need no stinkin' labels I load .45 acp but I have no need to label them either, all the same there too!
  16. Btt fer a good pard! Happy Thanksgiving!
  17. It was 75 degrees on Thursday, yesterday was 50 and raining and today not much better but at least no rain! What's with this crappy spring??? That's why I'm grumpy today!!
  18. When I visit family in Scranton,Pa, they call it soda…..'round here that's an ice cream soda!! In NYC I believe they call it soda pop so I think that's where the two names started. Anyway I just weighed another 150 rounds, and really feeling grumpy!!!!!
  19. I've had 3 squibs the last shoot and 2 the one before that! Instead of pulling all my loads, (I have about 1500 loaded) I'm weighing them and pulling the lowest weight ones. Talk about being grumpy??? I start off my day with weighing about 100 rounds and separating them by weight! I'm really grumpy!!!!! My Dillon 550 is probably arriving today sometime back to Dillon for a rehaul!! If I want to load I'll have to do it on a turret for now! Grumpy is not the word for this!!! I need MORE COFFEE!!!!!
  20. Merry Christmas to you and yours!
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