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Rye Miles #13621

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Rye Miles #13621 last won the day on January 27 2020

Rye Miles #13621 had the most liked content!


About Rye Miles #13621

  • Birthday 03/31/1947

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  • SASS Affiliated Club
    Firelands Peacemakers,Tusco Long Riders, Ohio Valley Vigilantes, Sandusky Regulators, Brown Twp. Regulators. NRA Life

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  • Location
    Northeast Ohio on the Great Lake Erie
  • Interests
    CAS, shooting of any kind, music, baseball

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  1. Howdy Rye ;

    We need  to talk about pricing on these pins , it has been suggested 5 bucks each fine ,,, As on a order that price includes $39.95 for shipping for 15 pins ... I see no need to tack on an extra 15 bucks for Shipping, to Canada . Unless this is let's stick it to the Canucks  move ... I will gladly pay the 5 bucks per pin for lots of 15 pins drop shipped to me , it shouldn't  cost more than $15.00 or $20.00 bucks ... And our group can pocket a extra $ 1.50 +  per pin ... But if we really wanted to be fair Canadians you could help me keep the costs down for our Northern Pards, we could charge me $ 65.00 Shipped  to my location Sans bubble wrap and envelopes and still retain a larger profit for the Pistoleros' ... Then I could sell them at $5.00 bucks US to the Canadian pards ,I would not be making any money but that was never my intent...  Nor did I think it was ever the Intent of the group ....  I will however not try and sell these pins at 10 bucks each because of  extra shipping aqdded on top of shipping....


    Jabez Cowboy

    1. Rye Miles #13621

      Rye Miles #13621

      I think you'd better send an email to Dorado, he's in charge of ordering the pins and he never said anything to me about you Canuks!! I have no idea what shipping is to Canada!



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