1873 carbine by longhunter or another SASS gunsmith.
2 rugers- old model if you have big hands, new model if you have medium hands. Unless you spring for $$$ for a short stroke, all you need are lighter springs.
The Stoeger double for SxS. Cheap enough.
I use 1897s but the old ones often need work and the new red army ones need work as well. Radachy publishes a good takedown publication. My favorite 1897 is an old one I took a stone to and trainwrecked but it works great. The cowboy and indian store has dvds on guns that helps a lot with takedown and lubing etc. Marauder's website is a must read.
I do a little modern 3gun but it is a lot of work for a geezer like me. I do like action pistol.
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