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Forty Rod SASS 3935

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Everything posted by Forty Rod SASS 3935

  1. My ten pound chihuahua miniature pinscher mix has slept with me almost every night since my wife passed away. It helps.
  2. I remember in the past that forging was considered to be superior to casting. Is that still true and if so, why?
  3. Does in Arizona!
  4. What? That's almost unAmerican. Go get and watch it. Are you still sitting there? Go get it NOW!!!
  5. How 'bout the bartender in The Shootist? Or the cute girl in El Dorado?
  6. Well then, I'm a sissy. Wanna make something of it? Well, do ya? Is your answer is YES then show up any time and bring your own burying box. If your answer is NO then show up any time and I'll take you someplace really nice where you can buy me dinner.
  7. My wife and daughter went for two weeks about eight years ago. Their only piece of advice: don't kiss the Blarney Stone. The locals pee on it.
  8. How come you know so much about cats? And when are you coming up here for a visit?
  9. Sure as shootin'! Cookies aren't meant to be art for very long. They must be eaten to fulfill their role in life.
  10. I have all the guns a body would ever need. I don't need another gun. Bought four since July and have a few more on my current list. I can stop any time I want to. DON'T WANT TO!!!
  11. I don't know. I'm still disappointed that out of three hundred sixty MILLION people in this country those were the best two we could find.
  12. Look like something out of a science fiction movie. Beautiful but really alien.
  13. You hit the bullseye Loop. Isn't it sad that the US (and other nations) gave so much and lost so much to let it all just slip away, forgotten or ignored, put to the torch of political correctness and leaving us so diminished as to approach the point of becoming irrelevant? For me, at my age, I don't care a lot, but I greatly regret the increasingly liberal world that we are leaving my grandson and mourn the loss of a better world for him. We should have done better.
  14. The war had been going on for several years with the US playing only support roles and pretty much staying out of the hard parts. Then Japan made a fatal error by forcing us into the heart of it and just over three and a half years late we had become the major player worldwide..... and a large part of the world lay in ruins. I recently found and bought a three disc DVD set of Victory at Sea and America's Wars. After a three night session watching VAS it occurred to me that out country has nor even fought, much less won, a war since 1945. Korea: a 60+ year "cease fire" that we essentially walked a way from without ending anything. Cuba: The Bay Of Pigs tells that story. Vietnam: we pulled out after our cowardly government abandoned our allies to the horrors of a Communist take over. Grenada: In and out almost overnight without any real solution. The Middle East: going on for decades without end in sight and with a stronger enemy than when we started. I also noticed that we helped win that war without consideration for "collateral damage". Maybe we need to return to that mind set.
  15. Same here in Arizona.
  16. Y'know, with a fat hog and a garden a person could get along fairly well on that.
  17. A frat brother gave me a toilet seat painted in Christmas motif. I passed it along the following year.
  18. Had a lady Major fire a privately owned S&W 29 inside a bunker in Dalat. She never did that again. Seven people rendered deaf in a split part of a second. If she had only shoved the muzzle outside the port a few inches....
  19. I'll bet that didn't happen as a result of a popular vote. Shouldn't be that hard to get donations to cover it and let the taxpayers off the hook.
  20. Hell, son, I thought you'd been drafted, abducted by guys in flying saucers, or were doing time for something. Someone even suggested you'd been shot by a jealous husband or boyfriend. Good to see you back and find out you're just like the rest of us.
  21. Costco's Kirkland brand is pretty good. I quit Costco for a number of reasons and that's the only thing I'll miss.
  22. I might be delighted with their customer service if I could find a freakin' number for them...and if my password didn't get changed every four months or so... and if they would put simple info like measurements, etc. in the ad. And don't ever think that you have a right to tell me whether or not I should be shopping anydamnwhere.
  23. VA gave me Oticon brand hearing aids. I almost never wear them because they aren't all that great except in very noisy situations. They do cut out a lot of nose at certain frequencies and are tunable, so they are good in theatersand such. I never take them to the range because they don't help or hurt and they are annoying.
  24. Call them where? I can't even find a contact number. Kind of moot now anyway. I spent my money someplace more user friendly. Thanks anyway.
  25. Can anyone tell me how to get real person on the phone at Amazon? They gave me a new password and it doesn't work. Now my old password doesn't work, either. They sure make it hard to spend money with them.
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