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Forty Rod SASS 3935

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Everything posted by Forty Rod SASS 3935

  1. Damn good example of why I will never again go to California. My first encounter of this type was in Anaheim, way back in 1976.....the Bicentennial year.
  2. 1,000 feet means I'can't live where I do, go to or from it, go to or from the library or town hall, or any shopping center, travel almost any road in our town, nor get or out of he town, much of the county, and over some roads the state itself. SKREWM.
  3. and the real possibility of an immediate, sudden, and violent death, or at least a permanent crippling disablement and very long brutal incarceration.....and NO publicity. One way of another they need to be removed from society and forgotten.....in the most inexpensive way possible.
  4. I like it! Thanks, Joe
  5. And if a shooter is caught in the act SHOOT TO KILL! And don't give any info or pictures about the shooters. Don't publicize it because some freaks will want to copy it to get their name in the news.
  6. There are still some kids out here that are well behaved, generous, ambitious, respectful...even some who go door to door looking for work. They are looking for work. When was the last time you saw that?
  7. They have a right to express their views and I have a right to express mine. I also have a right to NOT spend a single cent nor a second of my time to support these "artificial people".
  8. Go to a thrift shop and get a golf bag with a strap down hood. A fair shape used case can cost under $25.00. Put a pair of golf shoes next to the case to add to the scenery.
  9. Are you going after my title as the Saloon's Champion Smart Ass?
  10. And the first is? My dad told me it wasn't for the weak or timid.
  11. I came back a minutes ago from breakfast at my favorite cafe. I had ordered something different from my usual fare and the lady started to walk away, stopped and asked if I'd ordered bacon or sausage and "did you say Tabasco?" I told her she wasn't old enough to be forgetful. An old man (older than I am, I think) told her to "watch out. This is just the beginning." He explained that memory goes first, then hearing and eyesight go, followed by your senses of taste and smell. Your hair gets brittle, turns gray and starts to fallout. Splotchy, dry skin is next and it's easy to bruise, cut, or just start to bleed for no apparent reason. Wrinkles abound. You get "liver spots" and zits and the texture is like a potato chip or dried onion skin. You grow hair in strange new places. You'll find that Tums become a constant companion and you begin to lose or gain weight (or stay the same weight but find it shifting all over your body.) and none of your clothes fit any more. Your bladder and bowels go soon after that. You'll find that you can't take care of your toe nails...can't even see them in some cases...grow bunions, have your arches fall and have ankles and knees start to give you problems. Your joints all start to hurt, you have no endurance, and you find your balance fails and you may fall down a lot. Everyday brings a new pain someplace. You can name dozens of school mates from your first grade class all the way through high school (and every pet for your entire life) but you have no idea who you had lunch with last Friday. ..nor where it was. You lose things, break things (sometime a bone or two), and mistakenly throw things away. You have vast collections of stuff that "just grew in that drawer", much of it is in the category of "what the hell is that?". You have zero endurance and a trip to the grocery store is like a five day trek across a jungle. You tire just by thinking about doing things you used to truly enjoy. Your breath lets you know that you should have stopped a half hour ago. Room temperatures are always too hot or too cold and nothing...NOTHING...is in a convenient place any more. You also have a shrinking ability to tolerate idiots, rude people, and those who think that their 20 something of sheltered life experience has put them in a position to tell you what is best for you. And after all of that, things really go to hell.
  12. After Tom Cruise soured the role for me by being a wimpy excuse for Reacher my son talked me into checking out the series. Better than Cruise's abomination, but still not worth my time. I was immediately turned off by the music being inappropriate to anything I can imagine and way too loud, and then the story line just plain stinks. Three episodes and I'm done with it. The guy playing Reacher is closer to the books, but he's just plain "wooden" as an actor.
  13. Another marvelous product from your friends at Area 51.
  14. Thanks for the hint Wolf. I'll get some, not for my socks but for another use altogether.
  15. I had a DaisyRed Ryder with a plastic stock and fore end. Raised image of red and Little beaver and molded checkering. It also had a removable butt plate with the hollow stock, a great "hide out" for stuff. Must have been about 1953 or thereabout. I'm not buying a lot of guns but if I could get one like it in really good shape I'd sure consider it. Thanks for those memories. BTW, our local Sears had a monster Lionel electric train layout that came out ar Christmas time,. They put it in the front window between the north and south entries. Four or five trains all running at once, a lot of moving accessories and lights galore. Another great to catalog was from FAO Schwartz. Our local library got a new one every year. We couldn't check it out but it was in the reading room for everyone to drool over. It must have weighed ten pounds or more.
  16. Worst: Neil Diamond. The music would have been great but the audience was out of control and all I could see was the fat broad in front of me...and mostly just her butt because she was standing up jumping around the entire time. Saw him a year later and it was much better. Great crown control and a much smaller venue. Best: The USMC band from H and I, with the British Black Watch band at Disneyland in 1977 (?) My wife and I had tickets at "center stage" about 10 rows back. We saw everything and it was an amazing two hour+ performance. My pulse finally got down to normal about a week later. It took my nerves to settle a few days later Second Best: The Everly Brothers before anyone knew who they were. It was at Lagoon, an amusement park in north Salt Lake City, maybe 1963 or 1964. Two of my frat brothers and I took our dates down and got center row seats half way up the stands. They had a local band and at intermission they fired the drummer. (He thought he was the center of the show and didn't pay attention when they tried o get him under control.) One of the brothers came out on stage and asked if there was a drummer in the audience. A kid stood up and told them his girlfriend was great drummer. They offered her $50.00 to complete the show and when they were done they came out on stage and had the young lady join them. She was complemented and asked if she would consider going on the road when the got the show on the road. She thnked them and told them she was only 16 and her parents wouldn't allow that. They gave her a number to reach them when she was ready. She walked off the stage without touching the ground and I have no idea what happened after that. The Everly Brothers were true gentlemen and are still one of my favorite performers.
  17. Trying to get some info on a 1966-1967 Holden sports car, maybe a coupe, that out-performed a Corvette and looked better. I was stationed on Okinawa and never saw the real car, but I remember reading about in a a magazine. Could someone from the other side of the world help restart my tired old mind with some info and maybe a picture? It will be much appreciated. 40 Rod
  18. I used to be pretty good shier. I never heard of avalanche dogs, but I'm glad they exist. Almost every day I learn something new about dogs...always something good.
  19. Hey, Jack. Got a Holden question. Send me a message so we don't screw up this bunch. Thanks 4T Rod
  20. Lord love a duck. That takes me back about seventy years. Thank you kindly, Deacon.
  21. I never avoid mirrors. First because it's a visual proof that I'm still here and then again, I'm so absolutely gorgeous I just can't help myself.
  22. Nothing happened. As a Matter of fact the day was horribly boring.
  23. I thought it was but remembered that Long Line Charlie Glackman was in the Saloon a lot, too. IIRC he was a fisherman, too. I have a knife that Long Line gave me shortly before he left us. It is a wonderful thing and I treasure it. I wish I had found the time and money to have had him engrave one of my rifles. Maybe a n 1860 Henry or the '66 Yellow Boy. He was very good at that, as well.
  24. Cat SASS. Lee Nonmee Dane Knight Walken Delyne I. P. Standing Gene Poole JonahSwhale Billy Goate P, D. Quick Tulane Rhode
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